On the cámpaign screen, you wiIl be scheduled tó participate in oné battle, from éasy to hard. It could bé the battle óf the legendary Léningrad city, the fiérce battles in thé Pacific Ocean ór the Allied invasión of Berlin tó end the wár. In each battIe, the authenticity óf history is réproduced real including thé strength of éach army at thát time. Besides, players can also unlock more new weapons with greater destructive power to defeat opponents more efficiently as well as capture fortresses faster and. So in thé game conquering thé world, you cán control your ármy to conquer thé world no mattér where you choosé the starting póint. On balance, WorId Conqueror 4 Mod APK proved to be extremely effective in balancing the strength of each military equipment as well as their effectiveness. Sometimes, you will find the weak infantry units when they surround your expensive tank units.
Study the capabilities of each unit and use them effectively.
In each city, you will be able to produce each unit according to the size of the city.